* LOUIS TOMLINSON (December 2020 Update) Louis Tomlinson: the show, originally scheduled for July 31st, 2020 @ Rock in Roma, is cancelled. ⠀ Ticket holders will have the right to request a refund by January 15th, 2021   For further information on how to request a refund, please visit: – Ticketone: https://bit.ly/TicketoneInfo – Ticketmaster Italia: https://bit.ly/TicketMasterInfo – […]


* The Struts: The date of 12th July 2020 @ Rock in Roma is cancelled.⠀ Ticket holders will have the right to request a ‘refund’. The refund can be requested from September 18 to October 17, 2020. For further information on ‘how to request the refund’, please visit:   Ticketmaster Italia: https://help.ticketmaster.it/hc/it/articles/360007905958 Ticketone: https://www.ticketone.it/campaign/covid-19/ Box Office Lazio: https://bit.ly/BoxOfficeLazio_EventiAnnullati


* Coez ‘Tour 2020’ is cancelled. Ticket holders will have the right to request a ‘refund’. The refund can be requested from September 18 to October 17, 2020.   For further information on ‘how to request the refund’, please visit: Ticketone: https://www.ticketone.it/campaign/covid-19/ Box Office Lazio: https://bit.ly/BoxOfficeLazio_EventiAnnullati


* KENDRICK LAMAR (April 2nd, 2021 Update)   Kendrick Lamar: the show, originally scheduled for July 7th, 2020 @ Rock in Roma, is cancelled. ⠀ Ticket holders will have the right to request a refund by May 2nd, 2021   For further information on how to request a refund, please visit: Ticketone: https://www.ticketone.it/campaign/covid-19/ Box Office Lazio: https://bit.ly/BoxOfficeLazio_EventiAnnullati […]


* VOLBEAT Volbeat: the show, originally scheduled for July 2nd, 2020 @ Rock in Roma – Ippodromo delle Capannelle, is cancelled. ⠀ Ticket holders will have the right to request a refund by November 11th, 2021   For further information on how to request a refund, please visit: Ticketmaster Italia: https://help.ticketmaster.it/hc/it/categories/360000706513-Eventi-annullati-o-riprogrammati Ticketone: https://www.ticketone.it/campaign/covid-19/ Box Office Lazio: https://bit.ly/BoxOfficeLazio_EventiAnnullati


14 JULY | IPPODROMO DELLE CAPANNELLE  Doors h 6 pm |  Performances h 7 pm  Ozuna on stage h 10 pm  Tickets: PIT: € 63,75 + 11,25 D.P. | G.A: € 46,75 + 8,25 D.P.    SHUTTLE BUS AFTER CONCERT: CLICK HERE TRAIN AFTER CONCERT: CLICK HERE


Doors h 19.00 | Show h 20:00  allusinlove h 20:00 Skunk Anansie h 21:15 Tickets: PARTERRE STANDING € 35,00 + € 5,25 TRIBUNA CENTRALE € 60,00 + € 9,00 TRIBUNA MEDIANA € 50,00 + € 7,50 TRIBUNA LATERALE € 40,00 + € 6,00 TRIBUNA ALTA € 35,00 + € 5,25


22 JUNE | IPPODROMO DELLE CAPANNELLE  ? VENTIDUE GIUGNO / ROMA LIBERATA ? w/ LIBERATO  MC Bin Laden Bawrut Tiger and Woods Dengue Dengue Dengue  K-Conjog Napoli Segreta Doors: h 3 pm Tickets: G.A. € 18,00 + € 2,00  At the box office: € 20,00